July 30, 2020 #1163

Albert Ayler’s “Music is the healing force of the universe” was in the minds of the Mark Harvey Group as they began a performance in Boston in October 1971.  Their concert was a musical celebration and meditation, honouring souls departed and souls surviving that turbulent time in American culture. No Continue Reading

July 23, 2020 #1162

New York loft scene pioneer, saxophonist Alan Braufman has released only two albums under his own name, one in the heydays of the loft scene back in the 70’s, and now a new one called “The Fire Still Burns”. A sample of that recording comes up in the first hour, Continue Reading

July 16, 2020 #1161

I have been touting French drummer and percussionist, Sylvain Darrifourcq, from the first time I heard him; that was with the Emile Parisien Quartet. I often dig out those recordings for a listen and I remain amazed at what Darrifourcq does. He’s an eclectic player and bandleader as well, as Continue Reading