Welcome to the first show of a new year. Thanks so much for dropping by and checking out the music on One Man’s Jazz. I hope that 2023 proves to be a safe and exciting one for you. As is usually the case, this opening show features music from some Continue Reading
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December 29, 2022 #1288
With this show being the final one for 2022, I thought something different might be in order, so I dug up an idea that has been lurking for a while: a special featuring music released by ECM Records. I had been sorting through my record collection and kept seeing many Continue Reading
December 22, 2022 #1287
It’s cold here in Winnipeg as I write this (cue the “isn’t it always” remarks) so going outside is not nice. It’s probably better if this edition of OMJ goes a little outside and I stay inside all warm and toasty. Music from the Burton Greene/Damon Smith/Rakalam Bob Moses Trio, Continue Reading